Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Grandma Monkeys

Grandma Love made stuffed monkeys for all of her great grandkids. Since she is gone now, I decided that I would learn how to make her monkeys for my grandkids. I practiced with a little boy monkey which I gave away as a baby gift and then made one for Eliza for her 2nd birthday. I had made a dress for Eliza and so made a matching dress for her monkey. It was so much fun and I am so proud of myself.

Alpine Gardening

Lonny has been busy this past month building a new garden in our backyard. It is called the alpine garden because he is trying to limit his choice of planting to those found in the Mt. Rainier alpine areas. He has really enjoyed this project and it looks really nice.

Is it June already?

I can't believe that Danny is 19 years old today. Where have all my babies gone. Look how big he is getting! Here he is sitting wearing the shirt that Michael sent to him from the Bronx.

Oh goody! A present! What could it be?? A block of drumsticks. That should last him the whole summer.
Look a cake! He picked it out himself! Mom just added the candle. Coldstone peanut butter cake.

Dinner of biscuits and gravey. My favorite!