Saturday, January 23, 2010

A new puppy - Teddy

After coming back from our trip to IL, we picked up the newest member (at that time) to our family, Teddy, a three month Labradoodle pup.  He is so cute and has been fun to have in our home.  It is so different from the big hybrid wolves.  He is definitely a house dog and thinks he is a lap dog.  He is not very small anymore but loves to jump on my lap to sit for awhile.  His favorite thing to do around the house is to terrorize Emma.  I feel sorry for that poor cat.  We did take him camping a couple of times and he seemed to like that okay.  He just finished his first obedience class and can now walk at a heel.  He doesn't always listen to the command of "come" though.  He loves to play with other dogs and people. He had his first experience at a dog park this week and just loved it.  I think we will try some agility classes in the spring as he loves to jump and catch things.  I would also like to train him as a service/therapy dog.

Teddy at 3 mos. old

You mean I can't lay here?

I can fit here.  Just watch me!

Playing on the beach at Tolmie State Park in Lacey.

Camping at Rainbow State Park

I don't like to sit on the ground

Fishing for a twig.

Buddies!   Do they look the same?

Playing in the creek.

Teaching Teddy to swim!

What are we reading!

What are these?  Can I play with them?

Come on Emma!  I just want to play!

Pleeeeese!   Come out to play!

Playing with giggle bug.  Can't quite fit in the cat's bed though.

First Haircut.  Dad didn't like my nose so I had to go back.

Is this better.  Bright eyed and Bushy Tailed.

What do you mean...toilet paper isn't to play with.

Graduation from Puppy Class

Do I look smart!

 Christmas was fun.  Lonny got a nerf ball gun.  He was shooting balls at Teddy and Teddy ran to Danny for protection.